Sunday, September 24, 2017

how to get 360 waves hot towel method

For this hot towel method you are going to need some shampoo, some conditioner, a brush, a hand towel, a do-rag, and your going to need a sink with some running water that gets hot. If you dont have Hot water, then put some water on the stove and heat it up, but not hot enough to burn your skin off. once you have those things then you are set to do the hot towel method, oh and one more thing you will need is Jamaican Black Castor Oil if you dont have this then you can use another oil base product that you may already have, but as long as its a natural hair product that will benefit your hair. Dont use a pomade or other chemical base products for this method. if you dont have an actual product that is going to provide nutrients to your scout then dont use no product at all.
so the first step to this method is to clean your hair thats what you use the shampoo
for. you could do this right now and follow along and do the step as you read or you can do them later when necessary. I recommend you do this hot towel method once a week if your trying to get your hair to become healthier. What this hot towel method is going to do is its going to help your hair absorb more nutrients then if you dont do this method. so this is very good if you have dry damaged hair. so after you wash your hair you go to the sink and run the hot water and fill the sink with water. If it looks like your waves go away every time you wash your hair, that completely normal. all you have to do is brush them back into place when you are done.
Once your water is hot, you want to fill the sink with the Hot water, the water should be hot to the point of seeing a little steam. after your hot water is set. take your conditioner, put some in the hot water and mix it in the water by putting your hand in the water and twirling it around. add and mix until the water get a little cloudy until you can tell that conditioner is in the water. now its only conditioner so it is not going to get that soapy like shampoo. Now take your towel and push it in the water. the water should be hot enough where you can only put your hand in there for a few seconds before you have to take it out. It might get a little messy so you might want to throw a big towel on you.
Now take your towel out the water and ring it out. when you ring it out, you dont want it to be too wet or too dry, but average. Throw the little hand towel on your head then press down on it for a couple of seconds to get that pressure. you should feel the heat when you press on it. then you throw the dorag on on top of the towel and tie it. normally you dont want to tie it that tight but you want to tie it pretty tight with this method. then you wait for like 2 - 10 minutes. when that time is up, you take your dorag off and take off the hot towel, and feel your hair and your hair should be king of damped. so what your going to do now is rinse your hair out with water. one you finish washing your hair out youre going to need your oil. the Jamaican Black Castor Oil. its a 100% natural oil. It comes from the castor oil plant. its used as a hair, skin, moisturizer and massage oil for aches and pains. if you have carrot or olive oil ten thats fine to. now you want to pour a little bit in the palm of your hand, just enough to spread around your whole head. no need to go crazy with it.
while the hair is still damp, you put your oil in it and rub it in good. you could do this once a week or once a month. this is really going to get the nutrients in your hair. Next step is to repeat the hot towel part, so cut the water on, get you a hot towel. this time you can put conditioner in the water if you want but you dont really have to because you just put a layer of nutrients in your hair. lets just say you dont have no Jamaican castor oil which i highly suggest, you dont want to use something unnatural with this method because you will be doing yourself a disservice by adding chemicals in your hair. Now dip the towel in the hot water, ring some water out and place it back on your head and press it down. then grab the do-rag and tie it and leave it on for 2 - 5 minutes. then when you come back you rinse your hair one last time then you get your brush session in. This is a waver tip, we are not just trying to make our hair healthy. so when your done you need like a 30 minute to one hour brush afterwards. And thats all folks

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

what is a good moisturizer for 360 waves

one of the most common questions ask for people who are trying to get waves is what products should i use to get waves. The truth is that a product cannot get you waves. they only improve the waves that you already have come out more and look better. no product where you can just scoop up with your hands and rub it on your head will get you waves. so theres the answer to that question. what you have to think about is can the product help you with your waves process or is it good for waves. so how can I tell if my product is any good? you probably have some random product at home right now and wondering if it is good enough to get you waves.
Basically my tip for you if youre trying to find out if a product is really good or not, is to compare it with other products. Most beginners without much knowledge on the wave game will probably start of with grease, and probably think that it is Good because that the only thing they have known to put in there hair. blue magic might seem nice but its might be better for you to use olive oil. the olive oil last longer, and doesnt dry your hair out to have it looking like a carpet at the end of the day like grease does. the olive oil could have your hair looking natural throughout the whole day. blue magic and just grease period is terrible. so dont use grease at all, get you some olive oil, and not the oil that you cook with, but Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Cream. 
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so how can you tell if x,y, or z product is any good? you compare it with another product. you know if a product is good or not if it make the waves you already have look better. when i mean better i mean that it gives you hair a natural looking shine and increase the strength of your waves. so a good products will give you a natural looking shine, it last through the day, and wont have your hair looking dry or crusty. wave and scout butter might works better for you hair than other products. wave and scout butter is way better than grease which grease may attract a lot of dirt through the day and gives you an awkward looking greasy shine which would probably dry out then it will have your hair looking like a dessert.  
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grease is not really good for your hair at all. for the best moisture for your hair you should try the Shea Moisture’s Curl Enhancing Smoothie. this product may seem like it doesnt work in the beginning, but to get the best results out of this product. it is best to shake the container before you use it. that should give your hair better results and you should have more smooth and moisturizing looking hair with better texture for your waves. though this product can leave you hair moisturized the product lacks shine and hold. so you can use this product for moisture but you might want to use a little bit of the scout butter also for shine and hold.  
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shampoo conditioner for 360 waves
how to shampoo 360 waves? If you are going to be using products on a day to day routine. its important that you shampoo and condition your hair at least 3 times of week if you are using pomade. using sulfate free shampoo is different then using the average shampoo. A sulfate free shampoo, you will need to wash you hair once a week, on the other hand if you are using the average shampoo then you want to was three times a week to keep your hair from product build up. but when it comes to getting waves it really doesnt make a difference on what shampoo you really use. you do not want to wash your hair everyday with regular shampoo because it can strip your scout and hair of natural oil do to the sulfate. If you want to keep you hair healthy and away from sulfate which is a strong chemical then you can use coconut co wash cleansing conditioner. with this product you will be able to wash your hair everyday. If you are using pomades in your hair then you may need to wash your hair with regular shampoo and then afterwards use regular conditioner because pomades are very strong and the Co-wash will more than likely fail to fully remove the pomade from the hair. However, if you use other products like the Curl enhancing smoothie, Wave and scalp butter, olive oil, or any other product that isn’t so heavy like a pomade, then Co-washing should work great for you.  
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what to tell the barber when you have waves

what kind of haircut to get for waves: with barbers sometimes to have to be very specific and instruct them on what to do. you can tell a barber you want a two with the grain and to let you keep your waves but some barbers might still go against the grain and destroy your waves. and that could really ruin your progress as a waver because haircuts are really important. you need to make sure you give yourself a proper cut to make sure that you maintain your wave length, so that your hair could stay wavy.
The first thing you have to do before you step into the barber shop learn how to be brave and speak up on what you exactly want them to do. if you are passive and come in there like you dont really know what you want the first thing they way do is chop your hair off without caring and you might just sit there and be quiet like its all cool, but knowing that all your hard work is gone from the barber going too much against the grain. then you will have no waves and have to start over from the scout.
so you want to go in there and tell the barber that you want to keep your waves and what you want him to do is get a two guard and put it on the clippers and then start from my crown on the top of my head, the cut downwards. Dont go upwards or put a one on the clipper and go against the grain, no, do not do that. Tell them you want them to put a two on it and cut with the grain. make it clear so that it cant be anymore specific and tell them with confidence like you know what you are talking about and that you are serious about what you are talking about. that is the only thing you really need to do when you go into the barber shop because most people are probably like yo can i get a number 2 and if they dont give you a number 2 and they chop you up then you just sit there.

you have to speak up for your self. you have to specifically show the barber exactly how you want your hair cut. and once you start doing that, you will start getting proper cuts and you will start noticing how your waves are getting better all the time and your wolf sessions dont go to waste.
Secondly i recommend you start cutting your own hair. you may not be the best barber when starting off and might mess your self up sometimes, but lets look at like this. If you get haircuts every month and get line ups every month, probably once a week. lets just say say three line ups and one cut. line ups nowadays might be $15 the most so that would add up to $45 for the month and then a hair cut is like $20, so that $65 an month in total. thats a lot of money and can even add up to more if you get more haircuts a month. you can buy a pair of clippers for $60 and learn a new skill and be able to wolf longer and save money. when you start cutting your own hair you can become an elite waiver because you can wolf longer and keep yourself clean at any given moment. as a quick recap before you go into to barber, dont act cowardly. and tell the barber look i want you to put a two guard on the clipper, start from my crown and cut downwards. Be so specific with them because nowadays its like these barbers dont know what your even telling them.

360 waves tips for beginners

Step one if you have a lot of hair on you hair at the moment and have no 360 waves at all. you want to get a fresh cut. get it cut down low but not too low, like a 1 and a half. After you come from the barber shop you are going to want to buy you a brush. After you get you brush you want to start brushing from the top of your head or the crown and then come down. when you get to you sides you want to tilt the brush and brush diagonal and brush towards your side burns.

when you get to the back of your head you want to turn the brush back horizontal and brush down. Next you want to get you a wave cap or a durag and flop it on your head and tie it on the back. If you a beginner i know you are anxious to know what product should you put in your. if you are a beginner i recommend you use some olive oil. it works really well. but you you dont want to use olive oil then carrot oil is better. if your hair is more nappy or your wolfing then use carrot oil, but olive oil works good when you have a fresh hair cut and your hair is low.

The carrot oil is more thicker so it holds your hair in place a little more better. so you got your brush, you got your durag, you got your olive oil or carrot oil. what do you do now? this is what you do everyday. you wake up every morning. you go to the mirror and you brush away in a rotation. And how many times you brush? you brush until you feel happy with the way your waves look. dont cut your hair too soon after your first cut if you are a beginning, that can cause the process to take longer for the waves to come in. If you are a beginner you want to brush for four week straight before you get another hair cut. so dont get your hair cut every one or two weeks when you are a beginner, you want to wolf your hair out for at least a month. so this is the basic ran through for beginners for getting waves.